◄ His Majesty ►

Her Highness Her Majesty His Majesty O Old Mug achievement acme aggrandize alerion all animal charge anklet annular muscle annulet annulus anoint apex apogee apotheose apotheosize areola argent armlet armorial bearings armory arms aureole authority azure baby tooth bandeau bangle bar bar sinister baton bawbee bays beads bean bearings beatify bend bend sinister bicuspid bijou billet blanket blazon blazonry bonnet bordure bracelet bracket capital breastpin broad arrow brooch brow bucktooth button up cadency mark canine canonize canton cap cap of dignity cap of maintenance capital capsheaf capstone caput carry to completion ceil ceiling ceiling fixture chain chair chandelier chaplet charge charm chatelaine chevron chief circle circlet circuit circumference circus cite civic crown clean up climax close out close up closed circle cloud nine coat of arms cockatrice coif coin complete conclude consummate copestone cork cornice corona corona lucis coronal coronet crescent crest cross cross moline crown with laurel culmen culminate culmination cup cuspid cutter cycle deciduous tooth decorate deify dent denticle denticulation dentil dentition develop device diadem difference differencing discus disk do honor do to perfection dogtooth dollar dome dominion double eagle doubloon ducat duodecimo eagle earring edge eighteenmo electrolier elevate emperor empress end ennoble enshrine enthrone ermine ermines erminites erminois escutcheon eternal return exalt extreme extreme limit extremity eyetooth fairy ring falcon fang farthing fess fess point field file fillet final stroke final touch finalize finish finish off finish up finisher finishing stroke five-dollar gold piece fiver flanch fleur-de-lis florin fob folio fore tooth fourpence fourpenny fret frost fur fusil gagtooth gang tooth garland gasolier gem get done get it over get through get through with glamorize glorify glory gold piece gold tooth government great seal griffin grinder groat guinea gules gyron half crown half dollar half eagle halfpenny halo hard money hat hatchment head heading headpiece heaven heavens height helmet heraldic device high noon highest degree highest pitch highest point honor honor point hood ice immortalize impalement impaling imperial improve inaugurate incisor


His Lordship
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